I was researching the use of technology in therapy and found that The American Psychological Association recently released a YouTube video with the top 10 trends in the field to look out for in 2018. Coming in at #1 was technology. No surprise there! Our lives are being intertwined with technology more every day. There are smart refrigerators, Bluetooth light bulbs, watches checking our vital signs, surgeries being performed by robots, and endless ways social media arises. How many times have you said “There’s an app for that”? Such dramatic shifts in technology and the effects of social media can be anxiety provoking for some and cause them to shy away from it. However, many have chosen to embrace technology in positive ways. For a while now I have been looking for ways to integrate technology into my therapy practice and help my patients find beneficial ways to use it as well. Below are three of the ways I do this and somewhere to start if you are wishing you could too:
- Apps, Apps, Apps! Whether it’s for behavioral data collection, diary cards, or timers, there really is an app for just about everything. Here are a few of my favorites: DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach, Behavior Observation Made Easy, and i-Qi Clock & Meditation Timer.
- Tools for learning to be more mindful. With all the sensory input and distractions we encounter throughout the day our minds are running wild. There are technologies, such as guided meditations and brain sensing headsets (Muse) that can be useful in learning to reign in thoughts or simply be more present. Check out http://www.choosemuse.com/ or contact me for a trial session using Muse to see if it is right for you https://anewapproach-counseling.com/contact/.
- Video modeling has shown to be highly effective at teaching social skills to children with autism. Used in both group and individual sessions at A New Approach, having children observe videos of desirable skills can shape behavior in ways that talk therapy cannot.
There are close to 3 million apps available to both Android users and iTunes users…browse and pick one to try. Then come back here and comment on your experience. If you already incorporate technology into your practice, comment with your favorite tool. I would love to hear about it!
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